Levi Sap Nei Thang Quest for Truth and Justice

Levi Sap Nei Thang Justice

False Claims and Fabrications in the Lawsuit:

Unveiling the Truth

In recent Reuter news, Levi Sap Nei Thang has been wrongfully accused by the media of preying on Burmese immigration. However, the reality of the situation is quite the opposite.

The Legal Battle Involving Thin Thida Swe and Levi Sap Nei Thang

One specific individual Thin Thida Swe based in Indianapolis, involved in the lawsuit, actually preyed on Levi Sap Nei Thang, falsely claiming an exaggerated amount for a purchase price. These false claims have led to a legal battle in which Levi has been wrongly accused.

Thin Thida Swe had purchased an oil lease valued at $30,000. However, it has come to light that there is still an outstanding debt of $5,000, as per the signed sale and purchase contract. Both the defendant, Levi Sap Nei Thang, and the plaintiff, Thin Thida Swe, initially acknowledged this amount and debt in court.

However, a surprising turn of events has occurred. The plaintiff’s lawyer now claims that the purchase price was $160,000, alleging false claims and fabrications in the lawsuit. We hope the judge notes the exact amount initially confessed by the plaintiff, as this will help evaluate the validity of the lawyer’s claim. By comparing the facts presented in court with the lawyer’s allegations, the judge can make an informed decision based on the evidence.

The Impact of Additional Leases on a Lawsuit

One of the plaintiffs, Phong Ram Zakhar, purchased only one lease for $60,000. However, during the lawsuit, his lawyer added additional leases, doubling the amount claimed to $110,000.

Misinformation About Facebook Followers

Another false claim by the plaintiff’s lawyer pertains to the number of Facebook followers Levi Sap Nei Thang has. The lawyer falsely states that the defendant has only 125,000 followers, while the truth is that the defendant has over 700,000 followers.

The above three obvious misrepresentations raise concerns about the credibility of the plaintiff’s lawyer and the reliability of the rest of their arguments. 

Incorrect Information from Reuters News Used by the Plaintiffs

In a lawsuit, the plaintiffs relied on information from Reuters News, stating that Levi Sap Nei Thang spent $3.7 million. However, this information was proven incorrect and could not be substantiated. Reuters News later revised the amount to $3.5 million in a subsequent news article.

Similarly, the lawsuits have also copied inaccurate information from Reuters News, claiming that Levi Sap Nei Thang owns 133,000 acres of oil and gas leases, which is inaccurate. 

The Power of Class Action

Their approach is based on the belief that the strength of numbers can influence the outcome of a case. This phenomenon is the campaign to encourage more people to sue Levi Sap Nei Thang, hoping that a higher number of claimants will sway the judge’s decision. The idea behind such campaigns is rooted in the concept that if multiple individuals make similar claims against a defendant, it increases the credibility of the allegations. When a judge sees a pattern of complaints from different sources, it can lend more weight to the overall case. This strategy assumes that the judge will be more inclined to believe the claims if a larger group of people supports them. False or baseless claims can undermine the credibility of the entire group and harm the pursuit of justice.

A lawsuit filed by those who called themselves a Burmese group in America against Levi Sap Nei Thang and her company has raised concerns about her assets in the USA and Myanmar. In light of this, Levi Sap Nei Thang has determined that it is in her best interest to let go of the properties she has accumulated over the past few decades.

Levi Sap Nei Thang no longer wishes to hold any assets.


The media have wrongfully accused Levi Sap Nei Thang of preying on Burmese immigration; however, the reality of the situation is quite the opposite.

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