Levi Sap Nei Thang Granted Protection Order

Levi Sap Nei Thang International Flags

18 March 2024

Protection Order Granted to Levi Sap Nei Thang

Levi Sap Nei Thang recently received an extension of a protection order against Mr. Tun Naing from Phoenix, Arizona. The order, granted on March 18, 2024, was necessary due to Mr. Tun Naing’s persistent harassment and stalking behavior toward Ms. Thang.

Two Facts About the Incident 

1) The harassment began approximately in 2022 when Ms. Thang returned to Myanmar to attend her sister’s funeral. After the funeral, she reopened her franchised shop in Yangon, which had been temporarily closed during the pandemic. The top celebrities in Myanmar visited Ms. Thang’s shop, creating quite a buzz. However, amidst the excitement, Mr. Tun Naing disagreed with Ms. Thang, claiming that her reasons for reopening the shop were not the right time.

2) Ms. Levi Sap Nei Thang has been actively representing her native country on various international platforms despite not being Burmese, especially considering her indigenous background. Ms. Levi Sap Nei Thang’s representation of Myanmar in Dubai was prepared four years before the events, and her selection was based on her qualifications and skills. Mr. Tun Niang threatened her life because of jealousy and encouraged people to do the same thing. However, the rest of the people in Myanmar are cheering for Ms. Levi Sap Nei Thang’s endeavor. 

The Impact of Fake News

During the court session, Mr. Tun Naing referred to and utilized information from Reuters News in his arguments against Ms. Thang. Unfortunately, some individuals have chosen to exploit the power of fake news reported by Reuters to discredit, abuse, bully, and file lawsuits against Ms. Levi Sap Nei Thang. This highlights the detrimental effects of misinformation in today’s society.

Mr. Tun Naing claimed freedom of speech and partnered with individuals who sued Levi Sap Nei Thang. That lawsuit used fake information from Reuters News. 

While individuals have the right to express their opinions and beliefs, it is unacceptable to use this freedom as a means to harm or incite violence against others.

Permanent Protection Granted

Today, the court ruled that Ms. Levi Sap Nei Thang has been granted permanent protection for one year. This decision comes after a previous temporary protection order was issued in November 2023. Mr. Tun Naing did not honor the court order when the temporary protection was initially granted in November 2023.

Renewal of Protection

As part of the court’s decision, the granted protection will be renewed in one year.

Mr. Tun Naing’s Incarceration in the United States

Mr. Tun Naing, an individual with a troubled past, has had encounters with the law in the United States that resulted in his imprisonment on two separate occasions. These incidents shed light on the consequences of his actions and the legal system’s response to his behavior.

Protection from Harassment and Stalking 

This is the second time that Ms. Thang has sought protection from stalking and harassment in the U.S. The previous incident involved a different individual. As a result, Ms. Thang received lifetime protection from the United Justice Department.

Now, with the extension of the protection order, Ms. Thang can continue her business and personal endeavors without fear of further harassment from Mr. Tun Naing. This development is a significant relief for Ms. Thang, as it ensures her safety and well-being.

Harassment and Stalking Incidents

Since the end of 2020, Levi Sap Nei Thang has been a victim of harassment, primarily due to the circulation of fake news originating from Reuters News. Recognizing the severity of the situation, Ms. Thang issued a warning by the end of 2022, stating that she would take legal action against anyone who continued to harass and stalk her.

This case is an example for others in a similar situation to Ms. Levi Sap Nei Thang. It highlights the importance of seeking legal protection and standing up against harassment and stalking behaviors.

Stalking and Harassment Will Not Be Tolerated

The granting of the protection order serves as a reminder that stalking and harassment will not be tolerated. It sends a clear message that individuals who engage in such behavior will face legal consequences.

Stalking and harassment can have severe emotional and psychological effects on victims, causing them to live in constant fear and distress. Extending the protection order gives Ms. Thang peace of mind and the ability to move forward with her life.

18 March 2024

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